‘I’m thinking of ending things’ – A ‘Claytons’ Film Review

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Claytons was a popular non-alcoholic mixer in 1980s Australia. While it is no longer popular, many of us remember its promotional slogan, “the drink you have when you′re not having a drink”. Claytons is now a term used to describe something that is not what it seems. In this sense, what I have to say about this film may appear to be a film review, but is not a review at all.

I recently saw, ‘I’m thinking of ending things,’ a new Netflix Australia film offering. It is quite unlike any Netflix (and probably, cinema) offering that I remember and must rank as one of the best films to discuss and try to make sense of with other viewers.

It would be misleading and an injustice to the film to describe it as merely telling the story of a couple visiting his parents for the first time, while she contemplates leaving him. Even this aspect of the film is smattered with complex ideas and literary references, which themselves end up being part of the lighter layer of the film. The film’s story is also told through scenes of modern dance, drama, and music. It switches in time and with the identity of the characters. The experience is more live theatre and less like cinema.

I was mesmerized and recommend this complex and superbly acted film as a positively challenging audio-visual experience.

I still haven’t worked out what the movie’s script is saying. I blame Charlie Kaufman, the film’s Director and Screenplay Writer. I began reading a detailed press review of the film but quickly surmised that it merely reflected the view of the reviewer and that every one of us would have a different view.

That is why this Claytons review does not even attempt to review the film but merely seeks to entice you to view and review it yourself.

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