Perfect Strangers (2017) – Film Review

Reading Time: < 1 minute

This award-winning Italian comedy/drama stands out from the crowd. It is thoroughly entertaining, has an unpredictable plot, and even manages to be thought-provoking. The film’s ending is an absolute gem that will invariably fuel lively post-viewing discussion.

The storyline is misleading in its simplicity. When seven, old friends meet for dinner, their conversation touches on keeping secrets from partners. One of them suggests that they play a game, requiring them to place their mobile phones on the table and to share any incoming calls, texts and other communications with the rest of the group. With some reluctance, everyone agrees.

The revelations of indiscretions heralded by the game do challenge friendships and relationships, but not necessarily as would be expected.

What stops this storyline from making this film a forgettable corny time-filler is not only the quality of the acting, led by the instantly recognisable prolific Italian actor, Marco Giallini, but also by the film’s main strength – its excellent script.

As my enjoyment of this film had much to do with what I didn’t know would happen, I will not further expand on what happens at the dinner party, or in the final scenes. To maximise your enjoyment of the film, may I suggest that you resist reading online discussions of the film’s very clever ending.

View it for the laughs, and perhaps like me, you’ll be surprised to find that you’re not only entertained but also drawn into revisiting issues central to romantic relationships and friendships.

(Currently available on SBS On Demand.)




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