List of Academic Writings

Reading Time: 7 minutes


Daniel Stepniak, Audio-Visual Coverage of Courts: A Comparative Analysis  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008, (ISBN: 9780521875271) First chapter, Index of contents etc


Electronic Media Coverage of Courts: A Report Prepared for The Federal Court of Australia by Daniel Stepniak (Federal Court of Australia, 1998)(ISBN 0 86422 893 7)  Link


Court TV: Coming to an Internet Browser Near You (Update, Developments and Current Issues)’ (2006) 15 (4) Journal of Judicial Administration 218. (ISSN 1036-7918) Court TV

‘Cultural Difference: the Case of Stack v WA’, Down Under All Over (2005) 30(2) Alternative Law Journal 96 (ISSN 1037-969X) Stack v WA Paper 

‘The Broadcast of Court Proceedings in the Internet Age’ (2004-5) 85 Reform (A Journal of National and International Law Reform) 33-7, 60.(ISSN 1313-153X) Broadcast Paper

‘Technology and Public Access to Audio Visual Coverage and Recordings of Court Proceedings: Implications for Common Law Jurisdictions’, (2004) 12 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 791- 823 (ISSN 1065-8254) Technology Paper

‘The Context and Questions of Legal Education Reform’ (2004) 29(6) Alternative Law Journal 265 (ISSN 1037-969X) (Editorial) Legal Education Reform 

‘Court in the Web’ (2000) 25 (2) Alternative Law Journal 72-75 (ISSN 1037-969X) (coauthored with Southampton Institute Criminologist, Dr Paul Mason) Full Text

‘Forum: Televising of Court Proceedings’ (1995) (1) University of New South Wales Law Journal Newsletter 4-6. Republished as, ‘Televising of Court Proceedings’ (1995) 18 (2) University of New South Wales Law Journal 489-92 (ISSN 0313-0096)  Forum Paper

Why shouldn’t Australian Courtroom Proceedings be Televised?’ (1994) 17 University of New South Wales Law Journal 345-382 (ISSN 0313-0096). Why Shouldn’t Paper

A Comparative Analysis of First Amendment Rights and the Televising of Court proceedings’ (2004) 40 Idaho Law Review 315 – 349. (To come)



‘Cameras in Court: Reluctant Admission to Proactive Collaboration’ in Patrick Keyzer, Jane Johnston and Mark Pearson (eds) The Courts and the Media: Challenges in the Era of Digital and Social Media (Halstead Press, ACT, 2012) ( ISBN 978-1-920831-93-6) Reluctant Admission Chapter

A Comparative Analysis of First Amendment Rights and the Televising of Court Proceedings’ in Eric Barendt (ed) Media Freedom and Contempt of Court (Ashgate, Farnham, UK, 2009) (ISBN: 978 0 7546 2785 2) (Access to further information coming soon)

Cameras in Courts: For Whose Benefit?” in, Kam Fan Sin (ed) Legal Explorations: Essays in Celebration of Professor Michael Chesterman, pp. 238-265 (Lawbook Company, Sydney 2003) (ISBN 0 455 21918 4).  (Further information soon)                                                                                                                                                                                            

“Broadcasting British Courts: Not Suitable for Viewing by the General Public” in Paul Mason (ed) Criminal Visions: Media Representations of Crime and Justice. (Willan Publishing, Devon, UK, 2003) (ISBN-1-84392-013-1) (Additional information soon.)



‘Interpreting in Tribunal Hearings Involving the Mentally ill, Intellectually Disabled and Cogniively Impaired Parties’ presented at the 2012 Biennial Conference of the Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators, at Macquarie University, Sydney, on 1-3 December 2012. Published in, Annamaria Arnall and Adolfo Gentile (Ed’s) AUSIT 2012: Proceedings of the ”JubilaTIon 25” Biennial Conference of the Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators, Cambridge Scholars Publishing , Newcastle upon Tyne 2014 pp 86-92. (IBN (10): 1-4438-5670-3, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-5670-6) Interpreting in Tribunals

‘The Implications of Legal Principles and Rationales for Court Interpreting’ presented at 2010 “Synergise” Biennial National Conference of the Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators. Published in Annamaria Arnal and Uldis Ozolins (eds) Proceedings of the ‘Synergise!’ Biennial National Conference of the Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators AUSIT 2010 at pp 88-92 (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2011) (ISBN: 1-4438-3202-2) Legal Principles Paper

D. Stepniak, M. Warner and E. Santhanam ‘Law and Religion: Towards a More Inclusive Legal Education’, Volume 24 Proceedings of the Annual HERDSA Conference 2001, Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia, Inc., ACT, 2001 (ISSN 1441 001X, ISBN 0 908557 49 3) Presented By E.Santhanam at July 2001 Conference of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia, held at the University of Newcastle. Inclusive Legal Education

’An evaluation of teaching strategies designed to include and accommodate disadvantaged students and those of diverse backgrounds’ 1998 4 (2) Australasian Law Teachers Association Newsletter 5-6.6. Brief version of paper presented to the Legal Education Interest Group at the 1997 ALTA conference. Teaching Strategies

‘‘The implications of the Populist Backlash Against Multiculturalism for the Promotion and Incorporation of Cultural Diversity in Australian Law Schools’, presented at the July 1997 Australian Legal Education Forum, held in Brisbane. An abbreviated and edited version of the paper was published as ‘Multiculturalist Backlash and Cultural Diversity’ 1997 (2) Floodgates 15-19. (The Journal of the Griffith University Law Society) . Multiculturalism Paper

‘The “ordinary person” Test of Provocation in Multicultural Australia: It’s Time to Stop the Tail Wagging the Dog;’, in 1996 Annual Conference of the Australasian Law Teachers’ Association, Flinders University, Adelaide SA, 10-13 July 1996, Interest Group Papers Vol. 1 pp. 47-55 Link to Paper

‘Minority Values and the Reasonable Person of Torts’ in M. Chanock and L. Marks (Eds), Cross Currents: Internationalism, National Identity & Law: 50th Australasian Law Teachers’ Association Conference 1995,(La Trobe University Press, 1995) 405-19.(ISBN 1 86446 402X) To paper

‘Public Scrutiny, Social Justice and Opposition to the Televising of Court Proceedings’ Published in Proceedings of the 49th Annual Conference of the Australasian Law Teachers Association, (University of Tasmania Law Press, 1995) Vol. 2, 1176-88. (To come)

‘Visual recording of court proceedings: The case for courts’ utilising new media to proactively promote access, understanding and informed debate’, Key-note paper at Research Institute for Law, Politics and Justice, Media and Public: Changing Public Perceptions in the New Media Landscape’ conference, held at Keele University UK on 25-26 March 2010. The paper was published online at: (password – jmp) (Text soon)



‘Religion and Education: Tertiary Level Religion’, Directions in Education, 2000. Religion and Education

‘Law and Religion’, a chapter in a University of Western Australia booklet, ‘Achieving Diversity and Inclusivity in Teaching and Learning at the University of Western Australia’ (1999) 60-66, published as a monograph and on the Internet, see –  This chapter was co-written with Megan Warner (Project Officer of my Incorporating Issues of Law and Religious Diversity into Legal Education project) Law and Religion. 

‘Placements: Much more than an alternative form of assessment”, presented to Practical Legal Training Interest Group at the 2007 ALTA Conference Law and Public Policy at the University of Western Australia, 23-26 September 2007.  Link

‘Hot Topic: A Window on the Legal World’ 2014 Law Society of NSW Journal. Hot Topic

‘Value of Research and Postgraduate Study’ 2000 25(3) The Georgian 1 Value of Research

‘Religion & Education: Tertiary Level Religion’ Vol. 9: 9, 21 July 2000, Directions in Education (ISSN NO. 1038-1368).    Link

Teaching Leaders – Perspective of a UWA Lecturer’ (2004) 10(1) Issues of Teaching and Learning, 4 (ISSN 1329-2277)             (To come)

‘Promoting Public debate’ The Last Word, 23 (3) UWAnews 5 April 2004, 12 See:   (To come)

‘Tackling Legal Issues: Topical but Taboo Religion’ 2004 Peppercorn 4, 24-25.            (To come)

‘Cameras in Court’ Peppercorn 3, July 2003, 15 – 17             (To come)

Review of G. Lindell & R. Bennett (eds) Parliament: The Vision in Hindsight (Federation Press, 2001) in (2002) 10 (1) Australian Law Librarian 84 – 90. (ISSN: 1039-6616)              (To come)

A Legal Obsession’ (1999) 8 (1) Onyx 11-13 (The Journal of the University of Western Australia Blackstone Society).          (To come)


Broadcasting Of Court Proceedings – A Comparative Perspective’ Presented at The Judges and Media Pillars of Democracy Seminar held on 24 – 25 October 2008, Johannesburg, South Africa. Comparative

‘Considering Broadcasting QueenslandCourts in the Light of Other Courts’ Experiences, Perceived Risks and Claimed Benefits’ presented at the 2015 Annual Conference of the Bar Association of Queensland.  Broadcasting Queensland Courts

‘Implementing Policies of Multiculturalism in Australia’ Edited paper presented at Centre for Integrated Human Studies Multiculturalism Seminar. Policies of Multiculturalism

‘Relationship Between Personal and Professional Ethics’ presented at a Continuing Professional Development Seminar in Perth WA on 26 October 2012. Personal and Professional Ethics

A revised version of a seminar paper “Religious freedom, tolerance and diversity in Australian democratic society: The ideal, the reality, and the future” presented at the History Teachers Association (WA) “Visions And Values In A Democratic Society: Teaching for Responsible Citizenship” seminar held at the AFSSSE Constitutional Centre of WA. (To come)

‘Religion and Domestic Violence’ Presented at 4th June 2008 Law and Religion Workshop at the Legal Intersections Research Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Wollongong. (Edited version of paper to come)

‘Seeing Justice Done: A Matter for the Courts Rather Than the Media’ at International Conference on Law and Society in the 21st Century: Joint Annual Meetings of LSA and the Research Committee on Sociology of Law (RCSL), July 25, 2007 Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. (More to come)

“Promoting Public Understanding of Court Proceedings: From Reliance on Media Reporting to Courts’ Proactive Harnessing of Technology” Canadian Law and Society Association conference ‘Law: Power and Communities’ conference, the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada on 31 May 2007. (More to come)

On 10 January 2005 I presented a paper titled ‘Overseas Themes and Lessons’ via video link to the Department for Constitutional Affairs Broadcasting Courts Seminar, London. The paper is published online at: (More information to come)

‘The Complementary/Adversarial Roles of Courts and the Media in Audio-Visual Court Reporting: An Australian Perspective” presented at the International Communication Association conference in Seoul, July 15-19, 2002             Link

‘The Therapeutic Value of Open Justice’ , a paper presented at The 3rd International Conference on Therapeutic Jurisprudence, held at the Perth Conventions Centre Western Australia on 7 June 2006.    Link to Full Text


‘Diversity and the Search for an Equitable Allocation of Tortious Liability and Damages for Personal Injury’ (1997). Diversity and Tortious Liability


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