(US) Americans, have you really allowed it to come to this?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

A word to those in the US who either support President Trump’s foreign policy, or who choose not to openly oppose it.

A recent vote in the UN suggests that the only nations that agree with President Trump’s views on the Ukrainian war are Russia, North Korea, Belarus and the hawkish government of an Israel dependent on US arms.  Do these countries share core American values? For the US, it’s the company you keep. Your government argues that financial benefits justify the alliance with evil, authoritarian regimes. That is not a justification, it is a view that embarrass any freedom loving American. 

Do you feel proud of your country being aligned with regimes that before Trump were considered sworn enemies of the US and the free world for reasons abundantly apparent to many Americans and the rest of the world?

The 93 countries that supported the European resolution declaring  Putin’s Russia the aggressor and calling on him to withdraw from occupied territory, see the war as a dangerous aggression against s sovereign state, rather than an opportunity to exploit a struggling war ravaged country in partnership with the democratic world’s number one nemesis.

Do American’s really prefer a world view based purely on economic opportunities and military might, rather than on rule of law, democracy and freedom?

Are Americans really as morally bankrupt and undemocratic as their leader?

How can the land of the free side with those intent on suppressing the freedom of others?

The Spoils of War

How can the richest country in the world demand repayment of aid, given in part out of self interest, to protect Ukraine and Europe from the aggressive threat of a dictator? 

How can you not feel ashamed?

The public statements you hear from the administration are riddled with misleading statement and occasionally even lies. that Whatever happened to the independent, free thinking, non conformist Americans that we admired?

Listen to recordings of what your leaders say rather than what their publicity tell you was said – and you are likely to be ashamed of what your government is saying and doing on behalf of Americans.

Because a sizeable portion of you appears to believe what the administration tells you, there is little wonder that Trump admires the public support of government in Russia, North Korea and other authoritarian regimes.

Is that how you see yourself? Well that’s how the rest of the world sees you,and how future generations of Americans will see you.

And don’t take comfort in Trump being elected. So was Hitler.






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