Bullies of an Empire in Decline
Justifying their crude public attack on Zelensky, Trump and Vance said that they were angry at Zelensky because he disregarded their advice. In other words, they attacked Zelensky in front of the world’s media because dintimidation and threats had failed to elicit compliance.
Reality check, bullies – Zelensky is the president of a sovereign nation and free to take or reject your advice.
Prior to the talks, it was no secret that the US wanted all the rights to Ukrainian critical minerals without offering security guarantees in return ( greed is good and we mustn’t upset Putin). Ukraine on the other hand was prepared to offer the US access to (albeit fewer) critical minerals as long as they were offered security guarantees in return. In that context, Zelensky’s qualification regarding security guarantees was hardly ungrateful or rude. The inability of Trump and Vance to handle a different opinion or Zelensky’s refusal to be brow beaten, revealed to the world their personal shortcomings and their primitive and entirely unsophisticated approach to international relations.
Stepping back, the scenario could be summed up as follows.
A powerful leader invites an ally fighting a war and in need of ongoing assistance, to visit for talks. Even though they have different views on the assistance required to end the war and safeguard the future of the weaker ally we would expect that during the visit the poweful leader would be magnanamous, generous, hospitable, diplomatic, empathetic, persuasive, subtle, encouraging, understanding, gracious, civil, accommodating, honest, respectful, kind, helpful and tactful.
Unfortunately, when placd in exactly that scenario, President Trump displayed not one of those characteristics. Instead he revealed his many shortcomings by deliberately choosing to be tactless, boorish, dictatorial, bullying, aggressive, threatening, discouraging, misleading, demeaning, dishonest, blunt, domineering, rude, dismissive, ridiculing, mocking, arrogant, and inhospitable.

An offer you cannot refuse
The great negotiator? Hardly. More like a gangster boss. Definitely not up to the standard expected of leaders of the free world – not even effective dictatorship.
This embarassing event is also a great indictment of those who still support Trump. Will they continue to do so when prices skyrocket, when he continues to align the US with Putin against the free world, when America becomes isolationist and matters little to the outdide world. MAGA? Not while Trump and Vance are in charge, and four years from now it may be too late for whoever takes over to salvage America’s leadership of the free world.
The meeting with Zelensky may well be a significant step in Trump’s demise as the leader of a free world. He has demonstrated his lack of trustworthiness, reliance, credibility and integrity required to lead Western nations. Even long-term allies like Australia now realise that the US can no longer be counted on to come to our rescue.
Trump has one consolation – Putin approved.