Author: Daniel Stepniak

‘The Greatest Showman’

Reading Time: 2 minutesHeaded off to see The Greatest Showman’, as the companion, and not the instigator. I did not have high expectations and suspected that this could be another Moulin Rouge (one of very few films...

‘Paddington 2’’

Reading Time: < 1 minuteAs a member of a three-generational group, I saw a morning screening of the excellent Paddington 2. Apart from yet again attending a breakfast session, I thoroughly enjoyed this star studded children’s and adult’s...

‘The Danish Girl’

Reading Time: 2 minutesWhat a complex, original and unpredictable fantasy drama. We can’t stop thinking about it, so we continue to discuss its many threads and attractions. Awarded this year’s Best Picture Academy Award, ‘The Shape of...

‘Goodbye Christopher Robin’

Reading Time: 2 minutesEven though we attended the 9.15am final screening of ‘Goodbye Christopher Robin’, I’m very glad that we did. While seemingly a behind the scenes story of AA Milne’s children’s book masterpiece, ‘Winnie-the-Pooh’, this film...

‘Wonder Wheel’

Reading Time: 2 minutesI saw ‘Wonder Wheel’ at the only screening time of 9.15am. Consequently, and perhaps not surprisingly, I had the whole theatre to myself. Having read a number of reviews of ‘Wonder Wheel’, Woody Allen’s...

Protecting Religious Freedom

Reading Time: 2 minutesWhen discussing religion, there is a crucial need to distinguish between religion as a religious instutution, and  religion as the religious beliefs, practices and values of individuals. Our democratic society should no longer offer...

The Patterson Bill

Reading Time: 2 minutesOne or two observations on the far right’s Patterson Bill. Service providers (who are not a religious institution) are currently not exempt from anti-discrimination laws regarding discrimination on the grounds of sexuality or sexual...