Author: Daniel Stepniak

Alfie (2004) Soundtrack by Jagger & Stewart

Reading Time: 2 minutesI recently found the soundtrack to the 2004 version of Alfie. The songs and written and performed jointly by Mick Jagge4 and Dave Stewart. Unlike many movie soundtracks, Alfie (2004) contains a fine collection of songs that certainly rewarded this listener, some 19 years after its release.

An Apology for the Referendum’s Failure

Reading Time: 5 minutesIn Saturday’s referendum, support for the recognition of Indigenous peoples as Australia’s first people was tied to support for the establishment of a Voice. The benefits of establishing a Voice and why it needed to be entrenched in the constitution were not presented and consequently, were predictably and understandably not supported. The reasons for proposing the Voice were not explained, and not considered in a constitutional convention by a cross section of Australian people. Consequently, attributing blame to the No camp is a distraction by those who should have known better, who need to accept responsibility, and most importantly, who owe Indigenous people an apology.


Reading Time: < 1 minuteACADEMIC WRITINGS BOOKS   Daniel Stepniak, Audio-Visual Coverage of Courts: A Comparative Analysis,                           Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008, (ISBN: 9780521875271) First chapter,...

Published Reports

Reading Time: < 1 minuteACADEMIC WRITINGS PUBLISHED REPORTS   Electronic Media Coverage of Courts: A Report Prepared for The Federal Court of Australia by Daniel Stepniak Federal Court of Australia, 1998, (ISBN 0 86422 8937)       ...

Law Journal Articles

Reading Time: 2 minutesACADEMIC WRITINGS LAW JOURNAL ARTICLES Court TV: Coming to an Internet Browser Near You (Update, Developments and Current Issues)’ (2006) 15 (4) Journal of Judicial Administration 218. (ISSN 1036-7918)       Court TV ‘Cultural...

Published as Conference Papers

Reading Time: 3 minutesACADEMIC WRITINGS PUBLISHED AS CONFERENCE PAPERS Interpreting in Tribunal Hearings Involving the Mentally ill, Intellectually Disabled and Cognitively Impaired Parties’ presented at the 2012 Biennial Conference of the Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators,...

Other Publications

Reading Time: 2 minutesACADEMIC WRITINGS OTHER PUBLICATIONS ‘Religion and Education: Tertiary Level Religion’, Directions in Education, 2000.            Religion and Education ‘Law and Religion’, a chapter in a University of Western Australia booklet,...

Book Chapters

Reading Time: 2 minutesACADEMIC WRITINGS BOOK CHAPTERS   ‘Cameras in Court: Reluctant Admission to Proactive Collaboration’ in Patrick Keyzer, Jane Johnston and Mark Pearson (eds) The Courts and the Media: Challenges in the Era of Digital and...