Author: Daniel Stepniak

’The Rip’ by Mark Brandi

Reading Time: 2 minutesBest known for his award-winning and best-selling book ‘Wimmera’, Mark Brandy has also written numerous short pieces for the press. His just released book, ‘The Rip’, promises to be another resounding success. It is...

A Husband’s Right to Sex with His Wife – A ‘Fundamental Human Right’

Reading Time: 4 minutesAn application sought a court order preventing a husband from having sex with his wife, who appeared to lack the capacity to consent to have sex with him. The judge’s réponse was to observe. ‘I cannot think of any more obviously fundamental human right than the right of a man to have sex with his wife – and the right of the state to monitor that,” he said. “I think he is entitled to have it properly argued.’ But, no such right exists in English or Australian law, as both parties are required to consent to sex.

Winning at any cost?

Reading Time: < 1 minuteWee need to reintroduce or reinforce the old fashioned view that winning is about being better at playing the game. We need to promote the view that by sledging, intimidating, threatening, and regularly breaking the rules in the hope of not being caught, you are conceding that your only chance of winning is to step outside of the rules.

In the Public Interest?

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe last few days have demonstrated how in fulfilling their role of disseminating information of public interest, sectors of the media could not resist the temptation to provide information that may be of interest...

Pell Guilty – Church’s Guilt Far Greater

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe astonishingly high number of incidents of child abuse by clergy simply could not have occurred without the Church’s lack of respect for civil law, and preoccupation with protecting the reputation of the Church. Without these self absorbed, uncaring, and perverted policies, child abusers like Cardinal Pell and many other Church figures would have been exposed and dealt with according to the law, and countless children would not have been irreparably harmed.