Discrimination can be Appropriate

Reading Time: 4 minutesChoosing the best applicant for a leadership position calls for a selection committee to treat less favourably those candidates whose values, or the values of organisations with which they are associated, are incompatible with those of the employer. This is not workplace discrimination on the grounds of religious belief. The discrimination is a lawful discrimination against incompatible values directly related to the employment.

Justice Amy Barrett’s Nomination, Judicial Independence and Religious Beliefs

Reading Time: 7 minutesWidespread criticism of President Trump nomination of Justice Amy Barrett. to fill a vacancy on the US Supreme Court raises many issues including the separation of church and state, the perception of judicial neutrality and the politicization of the US Supreme Court. Particularly concerning is Justice Barrett’s apparent willingness to permit the President to exploit her religious beliefs to further his agenda of reinterpreting the law.

Much to Observe and Even More to Learn From the Lead Up to the American Presidential Election.

Reading Time: 10 minutesMany of us are paying close attention to the everchanging issues in the lead up to the 2020 US Presidential election. There is little doubt that the outcome of the election will also affect us and the rest of the world. We have much to learn of relevance to our re-emerging consideration of whether it is time to become a Republic. Particularly significant are lessons we can learn from the US regarding a directly elected President and the appointment and independence of the judiciary.


Reading Time: 9 minutesFormer Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott proposes that we allow elderly Covid-19 patients to die for the sake of a speedier economic recovery. Reviewing alternative responses to the pandemic reveals underlying philosophies and values.

Gulf News 1 March 2019

If Pell Wins Special Leave to Appeal, The High Court Is Highly Unlikely to Rule on His Guilt.

Reading Time: 2 minutesIt is possible that the High Court will grant Pell special leave to appeal. Such an appeal would provide the Court with an opportunity to rule on the law relating to appeals of jury verdicts in trials such as Pell’s. But, Pell’s guilty verdict, I suggest, is most likely to stand.

To Understand Folau, Understand Christian Beliefs

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe beliefs expressed by Folau are also held by a number of Australian Christian denominations. In particular, there is absolutely no doubt that some Christian beliefs may incite hatred and even violence. However, religious belief does not legally justify the breaking of the law. For that reason, an appreciation of what the expression or exercise of some Christian religious beliefs can entail is required in order to understand why the expression of some religious beliefs needs to be curtailed.