Author: Daniel Stepniak

New Classical Music – Noted but not Reviewed

Reading Time: < 1 minuteMax Richter – Sleep – eight hours of carefully varied classical and electronic contemplative music on 204 tracks.    Peoria – Mass (Re-Imagined) – Beautiful, minimalist-classical music song by, surprisingly, a ‘post-rock’ quintet, better known for their experimental...

Doc Neeson’s Angels – Acoustic Sessions

Reading Time: 2 minutesThis album presents the Angel’s most loved songs in a style that takes us away from the frenzy of the original loud sound and beat, to a softer but equally rhythmic version of the songs sung by the Doc. While I would never have imagined preferring acoustic versions of ‘Be With You,’ or ‘Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again,’ I must confess that I’ve grown extremely fond of them, and think of them as presented as if in a very intimate concert venue.

Juvenile Cyber Bullying

Reading Time: 3 minutesI can’t stop thinking about an article by Megan Lehmann in The Weekend Australian Magazine (14-15 July 2018, pp 14-18). It is titled, ‘Just Go KJS xo’. It is a powerful, particularly well written,...

‘Deceit’ Richard Evans

Reading Time: 2 minutes  ‘Deceit’ is the first novel of Richard Evans’ proposed Democracy Trilogy. Evans is a former Australian federal politician. He was elected in 1993 and re-elected in 1996 as Liberal Party MHR for the...